Mental Health, Me and
My Workplace


Watercolour Art as a
part of Art Therapy

At PNJXN, we are aware, empathetic and supportive of mental health issues and mental wellbeing. 

We believe that mental health issues are as prevalent and disabling as any other affliction. As such, it needs to be approached with an open mind and honesty. Many among us have suffered through and suffer from various conditions, clinical or otherwise which have impacted our lives and ability to function.

At PNJXN, we have tried to address some of the issues of mental health and the workplace by adopting a few of the tried and tested methods:

Speak openly and honestly about mental health. The first step to beating the stigma is to stop treating mental illness as taboo. Encouraging everyone to read, watch, understand and empathize about mental health issues. Knowledge helps dispense with bias, creating an opportunity to understand the condition and the person who suffers from it.

Keep the conversation going. We have ensured that the conversation is ongoing by being vigilant and asking simple questions of wellbeing, even when working remotely. A garden, two therapy dogs, birds, butterflies and freedom to take a walk helps relieve the stress.

Include all levels of staff. Sensitivity towards mental health is a culture at PNJXN, starting from the top, with the founders themselves deeply involved and genuinely interested in the mental wellbeing of all. Everyone is allowed to bring their pet as long as the pet is well behaved and can get along with the office dogs.

Encourage employees to take mental health days off. We understand some days are just too bad. Although staying in and resting is an option, we actively check-in and encourage employees to reach out to family and friends, even professional help when necessary.

Pay attention and be ready to help. Always vigilant and quick to assess, ask and empathize with our team members is the superpower at PNJXN. Each member is primed towards this level of sensitivity. Of course, Baanka and Bella we are told have been exemplary when it comes to helping soothe a disturbed mind.

Make sure the tools and resources are relevant. We take a great personal interest in updating ourselves through various professional channels to frequently audit your mental health resources to make sure they’re accurate, up-to-date, and contain practical advice that our team can use to get better.

Facilitate access to these resources. We have notified the library with books from comics to positivism oozing literature. We motivate our team to populate the library with their own favourite books. We even have whiteboards they can draw on, colour paints, crayons to doodle. Simple resources that make a deep impact.

Prioritize confidentiality and anonymity. Although openness is promoted, it is not enforced. Employees are at liberty not to disclose or talk about their conditions other than notifying the management of pre-existing conditions more from a legal perspective. 


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